Does anyone else remember having a stack of paper contracts for all the weddings you were photographing? And what about having to arrange a second meeting with your couples to get the contract signed if it wasn’t done at your first meeting? Maybe this is still you and you’re thinking there has to be a better way!
In 2016 this was me. I still remember the accordion folder I had filled with contracts and the binder that was filled with checklists to ensure that no part of my client process was forgotten. It was tedious and, as much as I tried to organize it, it was still pretty unorganized. It was at this point, where I was thinking “there has to be a better way”, that I started researching for a CRM. I tried a few but didn’t love them (and I certainly didn’t love them enough to pay for them) and that’s when I stumbled upon Dubsado.
Much like my own business, they were just getting started. They offered exactly what I was looking for and not only that, I could actually figure out how to use their program!
Fast forward and I’ve been with Dubsado for almost 4 years now and have loved watching them grow and evolve! As they celebrate their 4th birthday this year, I wanted to share a little bit about my experience with them and the 4 biggest ways they have revolutionized my business!
The main reason I started looking for a CRM was as a way to host contracts online to avoid the whole second meet up thing. This is still the main thing I use Dubsado for.
Dubsado allows you to create, send, and sign contracts online without you or your client having to leave your couch (or put pants on!)
Another benefit of hosting contracts online is that they get attached to a project and a date. Why is this so awesome? Because instead of having to flip through a stack of contracts and my planner to make sure a date isn’t already booked, all I have to do is head over to Dubsado, look at my project list and make sure the date I’ve gotten an inquiry for doesn’t already have a wedding on that date. It’s super quick and it’s helped guarantee I never double book a date!
Let’s face it, it can be hard work remembering to do everything for every couple (hence my binder of checklists) but with Dubsado that becomes a lot easier with their custom workflows. In Dubsado, you’re able to create and attach workflows to projects so that questionnaire, checklist or reminder email that you send out to every couple is never forgotten about! You can also set up payment schedules and reminders for payments to go out to each of your clients!
Email Templates
Do you send the same email out to people over and over again? Dubsado can also help you with that through their option to create email templates. Gone are the days of typing out the same thing to different people. You can also customize these emails with your clients name(s) and connect them to the questionnaire, checklist, or invoice you’re sending!
This last feature that I am a HUGE fan of is one of the newer features to Dubsado and that’s the ability to schedule meetings or sessions right online. I’m embarrassed to say that it’s taken me so long to recognize the awesomeness of this feature (when I first heard about it I thought it was only for things like mini-sessions) and after a brief foray with Calendly, I realized I can do the exact same thing in Dubsado. Within minutes I had my whole calendar for client meetings set up and now, instead of the back and forth emails trying to figure out a day that works, I can just send potential clients the link to my schedule and they can pick a date to meet that works for them!
There are so many more ways that Dubsado has made my life and running my business easier (far too many to fit in to a blog post). Want to give it a try for yourself?! Use my affiliate link to receive 20% off your first month or year!
If you have any more questions about Dubsado or my workflow, feel free to leave them in the comments below!