Oh, London! I don’t think I’ve ever been more in love with a city. You stole my heart the moment I got on the train from the airport. Your lush, rolling country side, the cute buildings that made me think of Hogsmead, and your city that is the perfect mix of old and new is everything I’ve ever dreamed of.
Not even the violent screeching of the subway or the mobs (I mean…crowds) at Madame Tussaud’s were enough to make me love you any less (although, if I’m being honest, the crowds at Madame Tussaud’s did come pretty close).
I loved getting to explore you. Every step of our adventure you had something new, interesting, and beautiful to show us. Thank you for having the Underground, which made it so much easier for us to experience all the beauty you have to offer (and we didn’t even get lost, which is amazing!)
You were a beautiful host to my first European engagement session with the most wonderful couple. St. Paul’s was the perfect spot and so was that little garden that you had waiting for us just around the corner.
One of my favourite parts you had to offer was Covent Garden. I could have spent a whole day exploring but sadly we only had a few hours. Also, thank you for having the most Instagrammable places to get dessert. Not only were they insanely pretty to look at, their treats were delicious (I’m looking at you Peggy Porschen and Milk Train)
I’m sad we didn’t get to spend more time together. I’d have loved to see Big Ben in all his glory, picnic in one of your beautiful parks, see Buckingham Palace, and explore one of your many markets. I’ll just have to make up for lost time the next time I come visit you (because I promise there will be a next time).
Thank you London, for being such a beautiful host and amazing first stop on our great European adventure. Until next time, my friend.
This is our hotel that we stayed in, The Lansbury Heritage Hotel. It was in Canary Wharf but it was super close to the train station and so easy to get to the city from! They also had a complimentary breakfast each morning and the sweetest staff!

Just a few figures from the wax museum. If you ever plan on going there, go right when they open. It was absolute chaos in there; I’ve seen Black Friday mobs with better manners and more control!

Leadenhall Market, the inspiration for Diagon Alley. We got there after all the shops had closed so it was pretty empty but the pub crowds were insane! I’ve never see anywhere do happy hour quite like London.

One of the only pictures I took in Notting Hill. I was so excited to see this part of London but we were so tired we didn’t spend much time there. Next time I am definitely going to dedicate at least half a day to exploring these adorable streets!

One of the few wood houses that survived the Fire of London in the 1600s.

I may have taken a few too many pictures of this adorable place! But it had the most delicious cake and the inside was just as cute as the outside. On our way back to catch our bus, a lady walking somewhere behind us got mugged. After that I held on to my purse a little more tightly.

There were flower installations everywhere and it was so cute!!

Westminster Abbey

The flowers!! *heart eyes x100*

The cutest placement of a phone booth I’ve ever seen!

A few behind the scenes shots from Leann and Cole’s engagement session!

I wasn’t able to bring my step stool with me so I had to improvise #shortgirlproblems

Here are a few of my favourites from Leann and Cole’s engagement session!

View from the top of One New Change. Leann and Cole brought us here after their engagement session so we could see a bit of the city! It was one of my favourite spots we visited!

The Shard

At the end of our trip we visited London for one more day so we could see The Lion King. We spent our time before the play wandering Covent Garden. This is one of my favourite parts of the city that we got to see and I can’t wait to go back and explore even more!

This tree was so weird looking I just had to take a picture!

Neal’s Yard

These stairs are from the House of MinaLima. They were responsible for the graphic design for Harry Potter. The cover of the textbooks, the artwork, the list goes on! I bought the cutest notebook, which looks just like the Advanced Potion Making textbook, from here!

This may be the most Instagramable ice cream parlour ever! Also, the ice cream was delicious (if you couldn’t tell by the 100 pictures I took of my ice cream)

I was so excited to get to see The Lion King! I saw it once when I was 10 or 11 and loved it then! They’ve updated some of the dialogue since but it was still a really awesome show! I wanted to see Hamilton (Ryan didn’t) so we compromised and went to see The Lion King instead!

So long, London! I can’t wait to visit you again!